You are not Signed In. When you’re Signed In, you’ll see your name in the top-left of the page. If you’re not Signed In, you’ll see a link that says 'Sign In!'.
To Sign In simply click the link at the top left of the page that says 'Sign In!'.
To Sign Out, click your name in the top left of the page. A dropdown menu will appear with a 'Sign Out' option. Don’t forget to save your work.
Always remember to Sign Out if you are on someone else's computer.
When you are Signed In, at the top-left of the page you will see your name displayed along with the organization you are currently accessing. This organization name is a dropdown menu that allows you to toggle between organizations. Remember to save all your work before switching organizations.
To access your Account Information, click your name in the top left of the page, then select 'Account Information'. You will be able to change your Password, User Name, Email Address, and other Account Information. You can also upload a new picture of yourself.
Click (or touch) the question mark icon [] in the Sparq Data Solutions Menu Bar to access the Help menu. From there, select the appropriate video [] or help topic [].
Hover over (or touch) the question mark icon [] in the Sparq Data Solutions Menu Bar to access the Help menu. From there, select the link to Contact Sparq Data Solutions.
Hover over (or touch) the grid icon [] in the Sparq Data Solutions Menu Bar to access the Applications menu, then select the Application you want to access. You will be redirected to the selected Application and your current User and Organization information will be retained.